Rotating Art in the Village Center

Dieses Bild zeigt ein faszinierendes Kunstwerk in einem Schaufenster im Zentrum von Bad Mitterndorf. Die Schaufensterpräsentation bietet einen visuellen Einblick in meine wechselnde Kunstausstellung.
Einblick in die Kunst: Schaufensterpräsentation in Bad Mitterndorf

I'm pleased to announce that until the end of February, the shop windows in the village center of Bad Mitterndorf will showcase my canvases.

The gallery spaces feature a diverse selection of my works that rotate regularly, offering new perspectives with each visit. It's worth stopping by to immerse yourself in the world of my art.

Dieses Bild zeigt ein Kunstwerk, das in einem Schaufenster ausgestellt ist, und gibt einen Einblick in meine wechselnde Kunstausstellung.
Kunstvolle Präsentation: Eines meiner Werke im Schaufenster von Bad Mitterndorf.

The shop windows serve as a temporary gallery, providing you with the opportunity to track the changes and developments in my work.

For all art enthusiasts who would like to learn more about my projects, I am also available to provide information.

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Karina Schiefer
Karina Schiefer

I am an artist from Bad Mitterndorf in the Styrian Salzkammergut and specialize in surrealistic painting! As a child I loved to paint and draw and drawing was one of my favorite subjects at school! In 2007 I was given an easel and this made me deal more intensively with art types and drawing techniques for the first time! Since 2020 I have specialized in surrealistic works of art, preferably in large format!

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