The Shape-shifter and the Forgotten Child

In diesem Werk geht es auf surrealistische Weise um die Sage vom Grimmingtor und dem vergessenen Kind. Man sieht auch den sogenannten Gestaltwandler, dargestellt als weiße Gams.

The artwork "The Forgotten Child" draws on the legend of Grimmingtor and combines it with surrealist elements.

At the center are the mysterious shape-shifter, depicted as a white chamois, and the forgotten child, who remains in the shadow of the legend.

This depiction delves deeply into the mystique of the tale, where reality and myth intertwine. The work invites you to uncover the hidden stories of Grimmingtor and experience the magic of this ancient legend anew.

The Child in Grimmingtor

The child is trapped in Grimmingtor, which, according to legend, is located near the summit of Mount Grimming.

In the foreground, the child is depicted in an introspective pose. The use of gray and black tones enhances the sense of isolation and the feeling of being forgotten.

In diesem Werk geht es auf surrealistische Weise um die Sage vom Grimmingtor und dem vergessenen Kind. Man sieht auch den sogenannten Gestaltwandler, dargestellt als weiße Gams.

The child's cardigan and braided hairstyle give them a timeless, almost archaic quality. In the background, a hut symbolizes the child's home.

A prominent clock near the child represents the relentless passage of time. It serves as a reminder of how time can be perceived differently—while the child seems to experience only a single day, an entire year passes for the mother.

In diesem Werk geht es auf surrealistische Weise um die Sage vom Grimmingtor und dem vergessenen Kind. Man sieht auch den sogenannten Gestaltwandler, dargestellt als weiße Gams.

The White Chamois

The white chamois plays a central role, serving as both a protector and a companion.

Outside the cave, it appears to the mother as a white chamois, a symbol of the supernatural and mystical.

Its appearance is a silent promise that the child is not entirely abandoned.

However, inside the cave, where the child is held captive, it takes the form of an older woman dressed in white. This figure embodies care and protection.

Symbolism of the Stones and Suns

The stones in the foreground, rendered in warm yellows and grays, symbolize the difficult journey that both the child and the mother must traverse through this distorted landscape of time.

The droplet-like, yellow-gold shapes flow downward like liquid wax or metal. These forms symbolize the passing and simultaneously stagnant flow of time.

In diesem Werk geht es auf surrealistische Weise um die Sage vom Grimmingtor und dem vergessenen Kind. Man sieht auch den sogenannten Gestaltwandler, dargestellt als weiße Gams.

The five suns in the background symbolize the solstice and represent the cycle of time and rebirth. They connect the natural progression with the mystical narrative and highlight the transition between worlds that the child experiences.

In the background, the majestic Mount Grimming is visible, further emphasizing the setting of the scene.

Are you interested in my artwork "The Forgotten Child"?

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Karina Schiefer
Karina Schiefer

I am an artist from Bad Mitterndorf in the Styrian Salzkammergut and specialize in surrealistic painting! As a child I loved to paint and draw and drawing was one of my favorite subjects at school! In 2007 I was given an easel and this made me deal more intensively with art types and drawing techniques for the first time! Since 2020 I have specialized in surrealistic works of art, preferably in large format!

Artikel: 9

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