Karina's Art Corner

Gain detailed insights into my artworks and learn more about the creative process, colors used, and drawing techniques employed.

Starting now, at regular intervals, I will provide detailed explanations of what inspired and motivated me for each individual artwork. Additionally, I’ll share my interpretation of specific elements and the overall composition with you!

Perhaps you interpret the content differently? That's perfectly okay! Post your thoughts directly in the comments under the respective post! I look forward to engaging in exciting discussions.

In diesem Werk geht es auf surrealistische Weise um die Sage vom Grimmingtor und dem vergessenen Kind. Man sieht auch den sogenannten Gestaltwandler, dargestellt als weiße Gams.

The Shape-shifter and the Forgotten Child

The artwork "The Forgotten Child" draws on the legend of Grimmingtor and combines it with surrealist elements. At its center are the mysterious shape-shifter, depicted as a white chamois, and the forgotten child who remains in the shadow of the legend. This depiction delves into...

Das Kunstwerk „Der Tanz“, zeigt auf surrealistische Weise ein ganzes Jahr, vom Frühling bis zum Winter!

When Seasons Dance on Canvas

I am excited to take you on a unique artistic journey—a dance through the seasons like you’ve never experienced before. In my artwork "The Dance", fantasy and reality merge into a surreal representation that…

Ein Kartenhaus das zusammenfällt, im Vordergrund ein Pferd und Zinnsoldaten! Im Hintergrund eine Marionette die alles überwacht! Einer Person wird der Mund zugehalten!

The Card House collapses

"The Card House" is one of my most emotional works, created through layered construction using acrylic mixed techniques, various brushes, and airbrush over months of meticulous work. The motivation behind the painting is the entire period of Corona. Back then, it wasn't just Corona...
